African Lovegrass – Is this becoming a familar grass ? Please read below. My name is Glen Shennan. I am a masters student at Charles Sturt University, working with Dr. Richard Crabbe. We are conducting a study to attempt to detect African Lovegrass (ALG) using Sentinel satellite data in the Snowy-Monaro region. The Sentinels are European earth-observation satellites which make regular passes of Australia, allowing the study of the earth’s large-scale ecology, among other things. This technology has been used in the past to detect vegetative types (grasses, trees, heath) but not yet individual species. We are hoping to change that and by doing so allow increase the possibilities for the study of the ecodynamics and management of this invasive weed. In order to do this we need to find a number (hopefully around 20) sites at which to ground-truth our algorithms. We are hoping to find landholders who would allow us […]
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