Upper Snowy Landcare Network

The Upper Snowy Landcare Network acts as an umbrella group to Landcare groups in the central Monaro region as well as running projects under its own steam.  The committee works together to lead and encourage strategies to improve natural resource management in the Upper Snowy by sharing information, skills, experience and support across Landcare groups.

The main natural resource issues the committee focuses on are:

  • tree dieback
  • weed invasion
  • river rehabilitation
  • soil health
  • stream bank and gully erosion

Office bearers (as of the AGM held on 30 August 2024) for the Upper Snowy Landcare Network are:

  • Lynda Summers, Chair
  • Margaret Mackinnon, Secretary
  • Renee Vincent, Treasurer
  • Kelly Stubbs, Deputy Chair
  • Shane Trengrove, Public Officer

Committee members (as of the AGM held on 30 August 2024) of Upper Snowy Landcare Network are:

  • Nakita Thackwray
  • Paul Jennings
  • John Boyd
  • Penny Cutner
  • Shane Trengrove
  • Nicola Tamis

Our funding comes from competitive grants obtained from Landcare NSW, the Environmental Trust (NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment), the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (Federal government), Local Land Services, Snowy Monaro Regional Council and charitable donations.

We are an Australian registered charity, have deductible gift registration and are on the Register of Environmental Organisations.

If you would like to join a Landcare group in this area or seek further information please contact us.