MacLaughlin River Landcare

The MacLaughlin rises above Nimmitabel and eventually winds its way to the lower parts of the Snowy River. Classed as a “Blue Ribbon Stream” where trout breed, the river traverses some of the most picturesque and productive farmland on the Monaro.

MacLaughlin River Landcare is currently inactive. In the past, two large funding opportunities allowed members to actively control the spread of serrated tussock, a Weed of National Significance that locals are still working hard to eradicate.  The second project focused on rehabilitation of the McLaughlin River through staged removal of willow and blackberry as well as the establishment of “stepping stones” of native vegetation to create a wildlife corridor down the river.

Office Bearers on the MacLaughlin River Landcare Group were:

President:  Richard Taylor
Secretary:  Henry Bridgewater
Treasurer:  Jim Haylock