MacLaughlin River Rehab Stage 4

The last Stepping Stone to a Resilient River

The Maclaughlin River was previously considered a “blue ribbon” fishing stream however stresses imposed on the river by invasion of willows & blackberry have progressively degraded the river.  Willows have reduced flows and lowered water quality; and the invasion of the riparian zone by blackberries has had critical impacts on native flora & fauna in and around the river.

Maclaughlin River Landcare group members are working together to undertake a long term project to restore their river.  This project involves removal of willows, blackberry control and reduction of the flow of sediment into the river.  Remnant vegetation is being managed by creating fenced out “stepping stones” for natural revegetation and wildlife migration along the river corridor.  Fencing “islands” of remnant vegetation gives you many of the benefits of biodiversity conservation and connectivity without having to fence out the whole river channel.  These “islands” can be selectively grazed as long as plant species have a chance to seed and establish.

Over time these efforts by Landcare to rehabilitate the river will provide connectivity across the landscape and allow native animals and fish to thrive once again.