Grasslands Grazing to Control Serrated Tussock

This project aims to protect the agricultural asset and the environmental values of the Natural Temperate Grasslands of the MacLaughlin River landscape by reducing the critical threat of Serrated Tussock invasion.

A targeted spray program will strengthen established containment zones and reduce core infestation of serrated tussock, a perennial grassy weed, that has the capacity to outcompete perennial native grasses.  As the tussock causes a loss of species over the long term, it will dominate the landscape and reduce biodiversity in plant species.

Additionally the Landcare group will benchmark the condition of the High Conservation Value Natural Temperate Grasslands (NTG) in the project area and study the impact of comparative grazing systems.  The individual land managers will develop property plans that include specific management considerations for HCV grasslands.

Through peer learning activities such as paddock walks the different methods of control will be evaluated.  In this way the MacLaughlin River Landcare group will be able to share valuable information across the wider Monaro on the best methods for weed control in NTG areas.

Landscape scale conservation can be achieved through this project by  evaluating the comparative effectiveness of grazing management systems in conjunction with the spraying program.  This work will be the basis for the development of longer term management plans for properties within the project area.