Berridale Rocky Plain Landcare

Berridale Rocky Plain Landcare Group is currently inactive.

In its day the group was very active.  One of its latest efforts were to contact the Minister for Primary Industries to express concern about the poor maintenance of Travelling Stock reserves.
Read the letter –  TSR Letter to Minister
and the Ministers response – MinisterReplyReTSRMaintenance.

BRP Constitution | Notes on Constitution

The Berridale Rocky Plain Landcare Group stretched from Lake Eucumbene & Lake Jindabyne in the west, south to Bulgundara Lane and east of Berridale.

In recent years, Berridale Rocky Plain Landcare has been successful in gaining funding through the Federal Government Caring for our Country initiative.  This has focussed mainly on the control of serrated tussock – a Weed of National Significance that is a major problem in the area.  Landcare has been able to subsidise the cost of contractors and herbicide and the program has been a significant help to many local landholders who are tackling an ongoing problem.

The office bearers of Berridale Rocky Plain Landcare were:

President:  Barry Aitchison
Secretary:  Harry Bentley
Treasurer:  Phillip Daley