Jindabyne School Visit

River health, Platypuses and Biodiversity were the theme when we visited Jindabyne Central School on Wed 11th June.

Anna Rudd from Landcare along with Antia Brademann from Water Watch spoke to kids from Years 1 & 2 about platypuses and why it’s important for us to keep our environment and our rivers clean and healthy.  The kids loved finding out about these beautiful creatures and were thrilled when we let them hand around Pia the Platypus which is a real (but dead) platypus that Antia has so the kids can see them close up.

They also spoke with the Year 3 & 4 kids about river health and biodversity.  The kids played the role of “river detectives” seeing what bugs they could find in some river water we had on hand.  It was great fun and the kids were able to assess whether the river was healthy or not from the bugs they found.  They learnt about how important healthy rivers are for the environment and for fish and platypus.

Thanks to the teachers and kids at JCS for allowing us to come along.  The kids were so well behaved and keen to learn – it was a pleasure to be there!

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