Upper Snowy Landcare are champing at the bit to get to the Dalgety Show this year. We feel it is going to be particularly spectaclular what with the new pavillion and the season we have had. We will have our usual gift giveaway of a local tree or shrub lovingly grown by the Monaro Tree Nursery. We are keen to chat to anyone about anything Landcare and we will be signing up new members or you can do it here. If there are any members or even non members who would like to help out on the stall this would be greatly appreciated. Time slots available – Set up 7.30 – 9.30 a.m., 9.30 – 11.30, 11.30 – 1.30, 1.30 to pack up. Please email or text Lauren on [email protected] or 0411 402 978. And pick up your free 2021 calendar.
Daily archives: 03/03/2021
1 post