High Fire Field Day

What a fantastic day!IMG_7401

Full report is on the way – but here’s some photos of what was a brilliant day on Monday 23rd March.



Get a better understanding of research in grazing and fire management in the local sub-alpine areas.  Both bushland and grassland sites will be visited.  Guest speakers include:

  • Barry Aitchison – RFS
  • Professor Mark Adams & Lachlan Ingram – University of Sydney
  • Vik Jurskis – dieback expert

Vehicle numbers are limited so the group will car pool on departure.  Meet at:

  • Rocky Plain fire shed – 9:00am or
  • Eucumbene dam wall – 9:30am.

Bring along a chair, water, hat & sunscreen.

Morning tea & lunch will be provided.

RSVPs to: [email protected]