Media Release – 2 Dec 2019 |
The Upper Snowy Landcare Network (USLN) would like to extend its most heartfelt wishes to everyone in the region. For USLN, the last half of this year has been extremely hectic (and of course rather scary with our weather going haywire) but also very rewarding. Here is a brief snapshot of some of our activities.
Using our grant funds, we planted another 2 ha of native seedling biodiversity plots. One plot at the GLENELM property, Berridale and another at the COOMA GOLF CLUB. This brings the planting tally to 19 plots in direct response to the extraordinary and massive loss of Ribbon Gums in the dead centre of the Snowy Monaro.
Planting at GLENELM was a snack thanks to the Perisher Blue crew who helped plant and construct tree guards as their yearly epic promise to a good cause. The Cooma Correctional Centre inmates did a similar job over two days for us at Cooma Golf Club and we thank them all very much. Thanks must also go to our efficient contractors, SCOPE and Bowerman (earthworks), David Woods (survey), ZRS Photography (drone), James Byrne (spraying), Monaro Tree Nursery (plants), Sure Gro (guards), CreativeLines and Stone Bros contracting (planting).

You may feel we are crazy planting in the driest of times, but we have results of around 90% survival in our 3 Autumn 2019 plots. We also figure that we are in desperate need of trees and shrubs (and shade and wind breaks). Even the massive dead trees are providing a resource to desperate wildlife and the birds and bats that are still utilising the hollows. Life after Death is the title of our future brochure to enlighten landholders of the value of dead trees.

Now for that roundup of our other happenings we…
- Reinvigorated USLN committee via a string of media adverts and then welcomed in a new vibrant committee and thanked the past hardworking Treasurer (Harry Bentley) and Chair (Shane Trengove).
- Hosted a Summit on Large Scale Tree Planting on the Monaro with NPWS. This event attracted 23 on-ground operators to download their latest ideas on best practice revegetation techniques. If you would like to read the report go to the Upper Snowy Landcare website.
- Enjoyed a Winter Lunch with Justin Borevitz who is helping us from ANU base camp with ways to restore the Monaro.
- Are working on a new look and highly functional USLN website, with an associated membership drive and tax-deductable donation features.
- Chaperoned Landcare NSW CEO around the Monaro. Showing off our efforts and talking all things Landcare.
- Attended the Cooma Alpine School fair and gave away lots of material and a free native shrub.
- Are challenging ourselves by applying for future grant. Watch this space if we get these funding opportunities.
- FINALLY our 2020 USLN Calendar, with artworks from talented children from schools in the area is out NOW. Grab your free 2020 copy from the Visitors Centre, LLS Office, Library, Council. The theme for 2020 is “Colours of the Snowy Monaro” so be prepared for a colour shock.

To keep apace of the Upper Snowy Landcare’s efforts, please find us on Facebook or go to www.uppersnowylandcare.org.au or contact Lauren Van Dyke, Landcare Coordinator/Dieback Project Manager, 0411 402 978 or Email: [email protected]